The UK healthcare sector faces a severe shortage of healthcare professionals. A contributing factor to this crisis is the preceding government policy changes in March 2024, which affected social care workers and their family members.
Since then, health and care worker visa applications have fallen by 83% compared to the same period in 2023 (April to October). In this article, we will discuss how these changes impact the health and care worker route and the wider industry.
What Changes Were Made to the Health & Care Visa in 2024?
On March 11th, 2024, the government ruled out health and care worker visa applicants who work as care workers, home carers or senior care workers from bringing dependants. These dependants include spouses, partners and any dependent children.
Applicants with a different occupation code can be joined by dependants, and any existing health and care worker visa holders remain unaffected. The former government implemented this reform to ‘tackle visa abuse’ and ‘bring down unsustainable levels of legal migration’ (
Soon after April 4th, 2024, applicants in NHS banded roles must meet the national pay scale or new salary threshold of £23,200 (whichever is higher)—up from £20,960. Roles without a national pay scale must meet a salary of £29,000 or a lower going rate.
What Is the Current NHS Workforce Crisis?
The NHS is under severe pressure, a crisis that has grown from years of poor workforce planning, insufficient training and long-term under-resourcing.
According to the British Medical Association (BMA), the NHS faces a chronic workforce crisis. There is a concerning shortage of doctors in England, and unfilled vacancies soar, increasing pressure on existing staff and leading to higher turnover. For more insight into BMA’s analysis, read our article on prescribing solutions to the NHS workforce crisis.
Why Is Employing International Workers Beneficial?
The UK has long grappled with shortages in its healthcare workforce. The health and care worker visa helps fill critical gaps in hospitals, clinics and care homes – areas that suffer the most from understaffing.
These healthcare professionals also bring diverse skills and expertise, something which is often hard to source in local talent pools. By filling in skills and vacancy gaps, medical facilities will have the right amount of staff to provide a better quality of care to patients. Staff stress, fatigue and burnout will decrease, leading to less turnover and sick days.
Should I Apply for a Skilled Worker Visa Instead?
If you are a qualified healthcare professional, you must apply for a health and care worker visa. For those with dependants, you can still bring family members as long as your role is not a senior carer, home carer or care worker.
If you are a (senior) carer, consider a skilled worker visa. Please note that this visa covers a wide range of professions, so if you are looking to move roles, this may be your best option. The team at Holmes & Partners can help you decide which route to the UK is the best for you.
Need Assistance with Your Visa Application?
Holmes & Partners is an expert visa consultancy specialising in health and care worker visas. Whether you are a doctor, nurse, or social care professional, our immigration consultants will help you obtain the visa needed to work in the UK.